Savant Build

Database Plugin

The Savant Database Plugin provides the ability to work with databases. The features of the plugin are also the public methods of the plugin class so you can refer to the Groovy Doc for more information.


Loading the Plugin

Here is how you load this plugin:

database = loadPlugin(id: "org.savantbuild.plugin:database:1.0.0")

Configuring the Plugin

The Database Plugin has a number of configuration options that are stored in the DatabaseSettings object instance inside the plugin. There are a couple of settings that are required. Other settings have defaults that should work for you, but you can change anything you want.

Database Type

You must specify the database type to use. This is defined using the type field on the settings class like this:

database.settings.type = "mysql"

Currently, this plugin supports mysql and **postgresql for the type. You can also change the type and re-execute the plugin methods if necessary. This allows you to setup multiple databases with different types.

Database Name

You can change the name of the database that the plugin uses. This is specified by the name field on the settings class like this: = "foobar"

This will cause the plugin to use the foobar database. The default for the name of the database is constructed using the project name. However, any dashes in the project name are replaced with underscores. For example, if your project name is ~~~~ my-project~~~~ the database name will be ~~~~ my_project~~~~ .

Create Arguments

You can supply additional command-line arguments to the mysql or psql programs when the database is created. These are specified like this:

database.settings.createArguments = "-f"

This will pass the -f argument to the command-line when creating the database.

Create Username

You can change the user used to create the database. This is configured like this:

database.settings.createUsername = "superuser"

The default value for createUsername depends on the database type you specified. For mysql it is root and for postgresql it is postgres.

Compare Username and Password

When comparing two databases (described below), you can change the user and password that is used to connect to the database using the compareUsername and comparePassword fields on the settings object. Here is an example:

database.settings.compareUsername = "user1"
database.settings.comparePassword = "secret"

Grant User

After the database is create, the plugin also grants permissions to the new database to a single user. The user granted permissions is controlled by the grantUsername and comparePassword fields on the session object. Here is an example:

database.settings.grantUsername = "dbuser"
database.settings.grantPassword = "supersecret"

Creating the Database

The createDatabase, createMainDatabase and createTestDatabase methods on the plugin allow you to create the project databases. The createDatabase method creates a database using the name setting. The createTestDatabase creates a database using the project name appended with _test as the name. For example, if your project is named foo-bar this will create a database named foo_bar_test. The createMainDatabase creates a database using the project name appended as the name. For example, if your project is named foo-bar this will create a database named foo_bar.

Here is how you call these methods:

database.settings.type = "mysql" = "foo-bar"



Executing Scripts

The execute method allows you to execute arbitrary SQL scripts on a database. This uses the command-line tools rather than JDBC, which means that handling stored procedures and complex SQL is much simpler. Here is how you call this method: = "foo-bar"
database.settings.type = "mysql"
database.execute(file: "foo.sql")

This will use the user dev to execute the script since that is the grantUsername setting. For MySQL, it will also use the grantPassword setting to execute the script.

However, PostgreSQL doesn’t allow passwords to be passed in via the command-line. Therefore, you must setup a ~/.pgpass file in your home directory to configure the password to use. This file should look something like this:


Comparing Databases

Often you need to verify that your database migrations work correctly. To accomplish this, you can compare two different database to ensure that they are identical. The Database Plugin uses Liquibase to compare databases. You can use the compare or ensureEqual methods to compare databases.

The compare method returns a DiffResult object that contains the results of the comparison. The ensureEqual method fails the build if the databases aren’t equal.

Here is how you call these methods:

database.settings.type = "mysql"
database.settings.compareUsername = "dev"
database.settings.comparePassword = "dev"
def result = "database1", right: "database2")
database.settings.type = "mysql"
database.settings.compareUsername = "dev"
database.settings.comparePassword = "dev"
database.ensureEqual(left: "database1", right: "database2")