Groovy TestNG Plugin
The Groovy TestNG plugins allows you to execute TestNG tests in a Groovy project. The features of the plugin are also the public methods of the plugin class so you can refer to the Groovy Doc for more information.
Loading the Plugin
Here is how you load this plugin:
groovyTestNG = loadPlugin(id: "org.savantbuild.plugin:groovy-testng:1.0.0")
The Groovy TestNG plugin requires a couple of configuration settings including the Groovy version and the Java version to execute the tests with. The settings for the plugin are configured via the GroovyTestNGSettings class. The GroovyTestNGPlugin class has a field named settings that is the main instance of this class. Here is an example of configuring the plugin:
groovyTestNG.settings.groovyVersion = "4.0"
groovyTestNG.settings.javaVersion = "1.7"
These two properties specify the versions to use, but you must also configure the location of these GDK and JDK on your computer. These locations are configure in two configuration files in your home directory. These files are:
- ~/.savant/plugins/
- ~/.savant/plugins/
The first file is used to define the location of the JDKs on your computer. Here’s an example of the ~/.savant/plugins/ file for a Mac:
Here’s an example of the ~/.savant/plugins/ file for a Mac:
This class has additional fields that allow you to configure the command-line arguments passed to the Java when it is run, the verbosity of the TestNG output, and the location of the test reports. These settings are covered below.
JVM Arguments
You can specify additional parameters to the JVM when TestNG is run to execute your tests using the jvmArguments field on the settings class. Here is an example:
groovyTestNG.settings.jvmArguments = "-Dsome.param=true"
Invoke Dynamic
The indy flag toggles whether or not invoke dynamic support is enabled when TestNG is run to execute your tests. This is set to false by default. This flag can be set like this:
groovyTestNG.settings.indy = true
You can control the verbosity of the TestNG output using the verbosity field on the settings class. Here is an example:
groovyTestNG.settings.verbosity = 10
The value is an integer where higher values mean more verbosity.
Report Output Directory
The directory that the test reports are generated in can be changed using the reportDirectory field on the settings class. Here is an example:
groovyTestNG.settings.reportDirectory = Paths.get("build/reports/tests")
You can configure the dependencies that are included when TestNG is run using the dependencies field on the settings class. Here is an example:
groovyTestNG.settings.dependencies = [
[group: "provided", transitive: true, fetchSource: false],
[group: "compile", transitive: true, fetchSource: false],
[group: "runtime", transitive: true, fetchSource: false],
[group: "test-compile", transitive: true, fetchSource: false],
[group: "test-runtime", transitive: true, fetchSource: false]
This configuration is the default. It ensures that the provided, compile, runtime, test-compile, test-runtime and all of their transitive dependencies in any groups are included. If you want to configure a different set of groups, here are the attributes you can use for each dependency definition (the Maps inside the main list):
name | description | type | required |
group | The dependency group to include | String | true |
transitive | Determines if transitive dependencies are included or not | boolean | true |
fetchSource | Determines if the source for the dependencies or downloaded or not | boolean | true |
transitiveGroups | The transitive dependency groups to fetch. This is only used if transitive is set to true | List<String> | false |
Executing Tests
This plugin provides a single method to run the tests. Here is an example of calling this method:
You can also control the TestNG groups that are run by passing in a set of groups to the test method like this:
groovyTestNG.test(groups: ["unit"])
Finally, you can run a single test using the command-line test switch like this:
$ sb test --test=FooBarTest